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Release, Relax, Unwind


Try cupping in combination with acupuncture to give yourself a better chance of weight loss success. Cupping has been proven to be a safe and effective complementary therapy for decreasing waist circumference, reducing body weight and BMI. “Change your diet, eat less, move more”. This is all great advice, and important for reducing weight. While overeating and not exercising enough are the simple answer that some health professionals blame for being overweight, sometimes it’s more complex than these things alone. Overweight people can have hormonal imbalances and other conditions that make it more difficult to lose weight and maintain healthy weight. Also, as we get older our metabolism slows down and our body becomes less effective at using energy, making it more likely to store fat. Cupping is a treatment where cups are placed on the skin in the area that is being treated and a vacuum is created within the cup. This vacuum pulls the area of skin below the cup into the cup and causes the skin to redden and blood vessels to expand. The result is increased blood flow to the skin which stimulates and brings more nutrients to the area, invigorating that part of the body. Cupping and acupuncture help to balance the body, by speeding up the metabolism and balancing hormones, to make diet and exercise regimens more beneficial, giving you better results than relying on will power alone. For more information, read this article:

Struggling to lose weight?

Need fast relief for back pain or sciatica?

Anne Chalmers has 20 years of experience treating neck pain, back pain and sciatica and she gets excellent results using a combination of acupuncture, cupping and/or massage. 


Have you been feeling tired lately?

Whether it’s due to insomnia, disturbed sleep, working long hours or your body is feeling run down from flus or viruses, Chinese medicine is can rebalance your energy, improve your sleep and boost your immunity.


Anne Chalmers has had a lot of experience in the successful treatment of many conditions including:


  • Weight loss

  • Tiredness and fatigue

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Menstrual pain

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Ovarian Cysts

  • Emphysema

  • Back, neck, joint and sciatic pain 

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Nausea and other digestive disorders

  • Help to relieve symptoms associated with autism, (such as insomnia, anxiety, constipation etc.)

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Being In Health

Unit 1 Level 1

17 Market Street

Belconnen, ACT

Phone number: 0421 288 087

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